Sick Text Messages to Tell Your Boss: Best Examples Shown



Different institutions have different policies regarding texting. Thus, if your boss approves of you texting him or her, then your text message should clearly and emphatically let him/her know that you won’t be coming to work and the day he/she can expect you to return to work.

You can send a text message to your supervisor if your company policy enables you to do so when you’re sick.

The letter should inform your manager that you cannot work and when you expect to return.

You can send sick text messages to your boss using the samples provided below.

Check Out Some Tips and Guide for Sick Text Messages to Tell Your Boss

Sick Text Message to Boss Examples

If You Need One Day Off:

  • “I have (the flu/a cold/etc.) and need to take a sick day. (Coworker’s name) has agreed to cover my shift today, and I should be well enough to be at work tomorrow.”
  • “I’m feeling ill today and don’t think I can do my job efficiently. I need to take the day off.”

If You Need Several Days Off:

  • I have (the flu/a cold/etc.) and need to take the rest of the week off. (Coworker’s name) will cover my shifts today and tomorrow, and I’m planning to return on Monday.”
  • I’m sick with (the flu/a cold/ etc.), and my doctor has recommended taking a few days off. I will return to work on (day of the week you plan to return).”
  • “I have to skip work today and tomorrow. My doctor said I have (the flu, a cold, etc.).

If You’re Unsure How Long You’ll Need:

  • “I am sick and won’t be able to make it today. I hope I’ll be well enough to come in tomorrow, but I may need to take an extra day. I’ll keep you posted.”
  • “I have a fever and think I may come down with something, so I need to take a sick day today. I hope I’m feeling well enough to come in tomorrow, but I’ll check in later to let you know. “
  • “My doctor said I need to take a sick day today and maybe tomorrow. I am not feeling well enough to work and don’t want to get anyone else sick.”

See More Example of Sick Text Messages

Sickness is inevitable. It may come via the condition of the weather or the nature of the environment you are in, or maybe transferred from one person to another.

And if need be to call as text most times may not get to him/her, you either call or send an email.

Visit our page for More Information.

Originally published at on September 7, 2022.



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