120 Charles Spurgeon Quotes about Prayer and Jesus
Inspiration, motivation comes from varying sources. One is from the experiences and wisdom from other people’s lives. Get ready as we bring to you Charles Spurgeon quotes about Prayer and Jesus.
Who is Charles Spurgeon?
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834–1892) was a highly influential preacher who preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, where he delivered vibrant and compelling lectures.
He began preaching at sixteen and became a pastor two years later at eighteen, giving over 600 sermons by the time he was twenty.
His sermons and writings are for their succinct and eloquent presentations of biblical truth. Spurgeon preached to nearly 10,000,000 people before his death, according to estimates.
Here are some of the Charles Spurgeon quotes separated by topics.
Charles Spurgeon Quotes on Prayer
Below are a part of the 120 Charles Spurgeon Quotes about Prayer and Jesus. These are quotes on prayers and the power of prayers:
1. It is not great talents God blesses so much as likeness to Jesus.
2. His mercy is so great that it forgives great sins to great sinners after great lengths of time and then gives great favors and great privileges and raises us up to great enjoyments in the great heaven of the great God!
3. If Christ is not all to you He is nothing to you. He will never go into partnership as a part Saviour of men. If He be something He must be everything, and if He be not everything He is nothing to you.
4. Remember that the Lord Jesus came to take away sin in three ways; He came to remove the penalty of sin, the power of sin, and, at last, the presence of sin.
5. It was the mighty power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in Him by which Jesus overcame the world–and that same quiet power, if it dwells in us, will make us win the same victory by faith.
6. He bequeaths us His manger, from which to learn how God came down to man, and His cross to teach us how man may go up to God.
7. No one is so miserable as the poor person who maintains the appearance of wealth.
8. I must take care above all that I cultivate communion with Christ, for though that can never be the basis of my peace — mark that — yet it will be the channel of it.
9. God is so boundlessly pleased with Jesus that in him he is altogether well pleased with us.
10. A daily portion is really all we need. We do not need tomorrow’s supply, for that day has not yet dawned, and its needs are still unborn.
11. With groanings which cannot be uttered are often prayers which cannot be refused.
12. If we empty our hearts of self God will fill them with His love.
13. We should shun ingratitude, and live daily in the heavenly atmosphere of thankful love.
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Quotes About God’s Grace
Here are Charles Spurgeon quotes about prayer and Jesus:
14. If left to ourselves, the road to hell would be as naturally our choice as for a piece of inanimate matter to roll downwards, instead of assisting itself upwards.
15. If God requires of the sinner, dead in sin, that he should take the first step, then he requires just that which renders salvation as impossible under the gospel as it was under the law, since man is as unable to believe as he is to obey.
16. Who is to have authority in the matter of gracious adoption? The children of wrath? Surely not; and yet all men are such! No, it stands to reason, to common sense, that none but the parent can have the discretion to adopt.
17. It always seems inexplicable to me that those who claim free will so very boldly for man should not also allow some free will to God. Why should not Jesus Christ have the right to choose his own bride?
18. I can never cease to wonder that God has elected me.
19. From the Word of God I gather that damnation is all of man, from top to bottom, and salvation is all of grace, from first to last. He that perishes chooses to perish; but he that is saved is saved because God has chosen to save him.
20. Whatever may be said about the doctrine of election, it is written in the Word of God as with an iron pen, and there is no getting rid of it.
21. How is it that some of us are converted, while our companions in sin are left to persevere in their godless career? Was there anything good in us that moved the heart of God to save us? God forbid that we should indulge the blasphemous thought!
Spurgeon Quotes
Some more Charles Spurgeon quotes on God’s grace:
22. The pith, the essence of faith, lies in this — a casting oneself on the promise.
23. Remember, he that believes shall be saved, be his sins ever so many.
24. There is no sin that shall damn the man who believes, and nothing can save the man who will not believe.
25. You believe in God for your soul, believe in him about your property. Believe in God about your sick wife or your dying child. Believe in God about your losses and bad debts and declining business.
26. Faith of itself could not contribute a penny to salvation, but it is the purse which holds a precious Christ within itself. It holds all the treasures of divine love.
27. Get to Christ somehow, anyhow, for if you get to him you shall live. It is not the greatness nor the perfection of your faith; it is his greatness and his perfection which is to be depended on.
28. Faith is the surest of all sin-killers.
29. I would recommend you either believe God up to the hilt, or else not to believe at all. Believe this book of God, every letter of it, or else reject it.
30. If all my senses were to contradict God, I would deny every one of them and sooner believe myself to be out of my right mind than believe that God could lie.
Quotes on Jesus
Below Charles Spurgeon Quotes about Jesus:
31. Nothing teaches us about the preciousness of the Creator as much as when we learn the emptiness of everything else.
32. Have your heart right with Christ, and he will visit you often, and so turn weekdays into Sundays, meals into sacraments, homes into temples, and earth into heaven.
33. God helps those who cannot help themselves.
34. A Jesus who never wept could never wipe away my tears.
35. You will never glory in God till first of all God has killed your glorying in yourself.
36. To rejoice in temporal comforts is dangerous, to rejoice in self is foolish, to rejoice in sin is fatal, but to rejoice in God is heavenly.
37. When your will is God’s will, you will have your will.
38. O child of God, be more careful to keep the way of the Lord, more concentrated in heart in seeking His glory, and you will see the loving-kindness and the tender mercy of the Lord in your life.
39. As for His failing you, never dream of it — hate the thought of it. The God who has been sufficient until now, should be trusted to the end.
Thoughts and Prayers Quotes
40. The greatest joy of a Christian is to give joy to Christ.
41. A daily portion is really all we need. We do not need tomorrow’s supply, for that day has not yet dawned, and its needs are still unborn.
42. A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t. Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years.
43. I would not give a penny for your love to the truth if it is not accompanied with a hearty hatred of error.
44. To pursue union at the expense of truth is treason to the Lord Jesus.
Holy Spirit Quotes
Below are some Charles Spurgeon quotes about the Holy Spirit:
45. A sinner can no more repent and believe without the Holy Spirit’s aid than he can create a world.
46. A church in the land without the Spirit is rather a curse than a blessing. If you have not the Spirit of God, Christian worker, remember that you stand in somebody else’s way; you are a fruitless tree standing where a fruitful tree might grow.
Find More Inspiring Quotes Here
Motivation comes from varying sources. One is from the works and wisdom of others. I trust we’ve been able to bring motivation and enjoyed reading to you from the 120 Charles Spurgeon quotes about prayer and Jesus.
If so, do well to share with others, so they can as well get inspired.
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Originally published at https://www.currentschoolnews.com on April 14, 2022.